First Tier, Downstream & Related Entities

We at ATRIO Health Plans would like to thank you for your partnership and helping us to provide exceptional service to our Medicare beneficiaries. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), in its regulatory guidance, refers to our contracted partners as First-Tier, Downstream, and Related entities, or FDRs.

ATRIO is required to effectively manage and oversee our FDRs that assist us in providing administrative and/or healthcare services for our Medicare beneficiaries. Examples of FDRs include field marketing organizations, agents, providers, pharmacies, pharmacy benefits managers, claim administration vendors, fulfillment vendors and other vendors who assist us with delivering benefits. ATRIO maintains the ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the terms and conditions of its contract with CMS, and for meeting the Medicare program requirements. Therefore, CMS may hold ATRIO accountable for the failure of its FDRs to comply with Medicare program requirements.

ATRIO Policies

Last updated Jun 06, 2024